
This is all the bullshit I have to carry on my person for the next two weeks. Radio, charger, grandma’s cell phone, on call pager, personal pager. Oh and not to mention my own cell phone that I took this stupid picture with. The 2 weeks of being on call is probably the shittiest part about my job. I have to respond within 15 minutes. The radio is a new addition to this pile of mobile communication bullshit. They use to issue me a Razor but then someone broke it so now we get this stupid LG from 1998 to use we need to page some one.

It’s retarded, I mean fuck today I got an email asking me to fax someone one. Fucking fax. It’s a university, we have the means to use goddamn PDF’s but these fools are stuck in the past. Our time/materials are charged via some bullshit ass visual basic microsoft office interface that someone build with a fucking atari and we can’t update it because these old timey lifestyle motherfuckers bitch and moan anytime you try to change anything. I swear, these fools would be writing in stone if you didn’t force them to email.

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