If we’re all sharing thoughts on why we don’t like this song, I’ll weigh in. I don’t like “H.A.M.” because, aside from not being that good, it ruins a perfectly good slang word by making it an acronym. Southern artists who used the term “ham” in their raps — “Trap Goin Ham”, “Go Ham on Em”, “Ham in the Trap”, “Speakers Goin Hammer” — didn’t take the time out to define what they mean by ham. The word was funny precisely because it lacked a clear definition, and because it was a totally fucking stupid word to use in the context it was being used — it’s a lunch meat. How Pill got from cold cuts to crackheads is anyone’s guess, but at least there was some mystery to it.
Today Kanye West and Jay-Z told me that ham actually stands for “hard as a motherfucker” (which, by the way, pause). That’s actually a reasonably good definition for the way the word has been used, but it’s totally boring.
You can’t go that ham if you eat at the Waverly Inn.
via yayodancing
this shit is sorry, these two hee haws can’t do a lex luger beat justice. Neither has the delivery for a song called HARD AS A MOTHERFUCKER. It’s annoying because these dudes ride their own dicks so hard they think they are without limitations when in this song it is completely obvious. kanye should stick with his shitty rave loops and jayz with getting older.
Anyone with some power in their voice could have wrecked this shit and made it live up to the half ass title they gave it. Bullshit execution like this shows why those that idiots deem as “lesser rappers” (waka, wooh da kid, ect) are better than the aging rap gods. Get off the south’s dick and stick to what you know, you know dumb shit like rapping about your mom and bragging about financial portfolios. Hell even a modern ice cube could have done better on this shit.