


Champale Episode 1 is live. Willy and Marko bring you light rock, less talk, and more Glengary Glenross and gunshots than you might expect. It’s the internet’s newest podcast. Won’t you give it a listen?

Download Here.

Another new rap podcast for your ears, courtesy of me and Marko, which features some new raps, some old raps, and as few bad jokes as we could manage, but there’s still plenty of that. Plus: me giggling way too much over Marko’s incredibly entertaining home setup, which made possible all the Alec Baldwin you’ll hear in our inaugural episode.

Love it? Hate it? Let us know!

Tip: If you hit refresh a bunch, it’ll stream in Tumblr. Otherwise, go straight to Limelinx, while Marko and I find a better way to host this thing.

peep game if you ain’t knowing

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