What has Chick-Fil-A ever done for you? Sold you some fatty chicken at a ridiculous mark-up? Made you chuckle at semi-literate cartoon cows? You mean more to me than KFC possibly could. If I, in turn, don’t mean more to you than a chicken sandwich from Chik-Fil-A–if my life, my quality of life, and my dignity are such afterthoughts to you that you’d not only refuse the boycott, but go out of your way to support someone who was hurting me?
But yeah, I’ve been screaming fuck chick-fil-a for years but that was because I hate christians this latest dumbshit just validated why you shouldn’t support places who pump up things that don’t exist. I’m talking to you In-N-Out supporting ass dickheads. Also fuck Coors and all the beers they own. Pussies drinking blue moon, that’s you.